Wednesday, March 2, 2011

If i were a diety

Remember those days in school when we used to write essays like – “If I were a -‘President’, ‘god’, ‘creator of earth’, ‘book’, ‘100 Rupee note’, ‘old wall clock’ etc. Whatever you turn into – your life always starts with 'My master found me when he was a child. He used to love me, papmer me etc.bla bla bla... and at the end -Today I am old and miserable, wanting to die in some pit'.

Anyways, in case you haven’t notice, world is not a perfect place to leave in. There’s corruption, pollution, hunger, war and of course Gandhi family.

I am still wondering about the things I would love to change ‘If I were a deity’. Here is my list:

* new Indian rupee notes without Gandhi’s photo on it

* political speeches would be delivered by the people who write them
* Sonia Gandhi returning back to Italy - a real freedom to India
* all politicians in India and around the world turn into Pinocchio
* all Indian people gives vote to right candidate
* US stop poking nose in other countries affair
* highways, trains and jobs would grow at the same rate as the population of India
* traffic lights change when you honk at them
* lawyers would speak a language that humans also understand
* boot would rhyme with foot
* f**** would rhyme with Oh fish
* sick days would include when you're sick of work.
* when team loses the cricket match, spectators would get their money back
*drivers are polite.
* men understand what women want and when
* dogs find a shelter while having sex
*all street dogs are couriered to Menaka Gandhi’s residence
* children movies does not have kissing / sex scenes
* K- serial would have an official end
* Deepika Padukone finds a steady boyfriend
* Salman Khan gets married
* Bobby darling understand who she/he really is
* Rakhi Sawant……………. Nothing ……. (she just needs to be re-born as human)
* news channels actually delivers NEWS
* dull and pessimistic people just vanish
* someone publish a book called ‘mothers dialogue’ which are common across the globe

But again world is not perfect either. We have floods and droughts, tsunami and typhoons, earthquakes and volcanoes etc. making people wonder about the deity existence who can change this.


Prasad Joglekar said...

Hi Sharvani,

Read your blog...yes funny indeed....but kahi kahi stmts khoop harsh vartley for ex.."at the end you are old and miserable, wanting to die in some pit." ( but that's the way u write..u r i might not have got the real meaning of it......

the end of article u end on an ironical note.....u started readers with making them think they r god/super power n can change anything...but in the end one feels... is that really so..or forget it..lets get back to our daily work.......:-)

but over all ....many funny momets/lines to take along ..... and the list of changes is endless....
nice one......keep writing :-)

Sharvani Khare - Pethe said...

Thanks for ur suggestions. The line wanting to die in some pit. - Its just the reference of HOW we used to write our essays in school. Almost 95%+ essays used to start with - My master found me when he was a child and bla bla bla.... and at the end - now I am old and my master hardly care for me and I am just laying in cupboard etc etc. Its just a reference. And i agree end is not the proper. But wont change it now. :-) So u can get back to work :-)